Ifs Suggestions, IFS Important Question cu bcom, bcom important questions
(IFS)🇮🇳❤ 🔰Sem :-3 2023 Suggestions
🔰 MONEY MARKET = 10 Marks
🔰☠️Note:- Whatever is the important question, important is written at the end, so please check it at the end of all the questions.
7. What do you mean by money market? [3rd sem 2020]
8. Discuss the functions of money market. [2021]
9. Discuss the features of Indian Money Market.
10. Mention some defects (Problems) of Indian money market.
11. Discuss the various types of money market instruments/Financial Assets?
12. Discuss the role of central bank in money market?
13. Give an overview of Indian Money Market.
14. Discuss the structure of Indian money market
15. Distinguish between organized money market and unorganized money market.
16. Write a short note on Indian Call Money Market. [3rd sem 2019] [3rd sem 2021]
17. What are the features of Call Money Market.
18. Discuss the nature of the India's call money market. [2005 old]
19. Who are the participants in the Indian call money market? [Very Important]*****
20. What are the advantages/Functions & drawbacks of the call money market in India?
21. Write a short note on Treasury Bill market in India. [2018] [Very Important]*****
22. State the features of Treasury Bill market in India.
23. Advantages of Treasury Bills
24. Discuss the different types of Treasury Bills issued in India. [3rd sem 2020]
25. Write short notes on Commercial paper (3rd sem 2020] [Important]*****
26. Some concepts about Commercial paper
27. Write short notes on Certificate of Deposit [3rd sem 2021]
28. Some concepts about Certificate of Deposit
29. Distinguish between Commercial Paper (CP) and Certificate of Deposits (CO), [3rd sem
2019] [Imp]*** 30. Explain the concept of Repo and Reverse Repo. [3rd sem 2018] [3rd sem 2021]
31. Distinguish between Repo and Reverse Repo [3rd sem 2020] [Imp]**
32. Explain the recent changes/Trends that have taken place in Indian money market. [2018] [2020] [very Important
🔰 ~Rudra🇮🇳
~Credit :- Bhalotia Sir
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